
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

silicone_02 & silicone_03

Put little needles into styrofoam balls, the same size used to make the mold. With this i can keep them in the middle of the mold and let the silicone form a layer around it. However, it seems the silicone I bought is way too hard and doesn't really have any elasticity at all (cracks easily).

Used much softer silicone this time. The object needs to be hollow as the thread will just cut through it if I try to pull it. As a result i need to be able to put an object inside and pull this from the outside.

Used too much silicone and I didn't move the mold enough while it was curing. As a result it has big lumps inside, while other areas only have a thin layer. Will try next to cast it with styrofam balls inside the mold like the previous experiment.

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