
Friday, October 29, 2021

Experiment - morphing object

This project has been a failure so far. I've tried a few different variations with different materials, none of them really working. Ideally i would use motors to move the magnets / pull the strings.

Just condom filled with water and magnet inside burst immediately. Same with balloon and magnet. Wrapping multiple balloons inside each other solved this problem but then i couldn't fill it with water anymore as it was "too strong".

When i put the magnet inside a polystyrene ball and double wrapped the condom it worked ok. It's pretty durable but no interesting shapes occur. Idk if maybe this is because i didn't hang it tight enough. As you can see in the video it gives in pretty fast and i can move it around. Also the magnet needs to be pretty close for it to work. Ideally, i wouldn't have to move the magnet inside the box at all as it "breaks" the feeling a bit.

I also tried to fill a condom with only polystyrene balls and threading a couple of the balls to then pull from the outside. In this case the condom needs to be hanged very tightly as you have to pull the string pretty hard for it to displace properly. Also not super durable, the condom broke pretty fast in this case.

Maybe I could make a tesselation surface instead and use strings to pull it?

Maybe this could be one of the sound experiments. Using a LED strip above water, then use ripples to generate sound. Alternatively the Media Art project from last semester could be turned into an audio project where the height of each ball controls sound.

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