
Friday, November 5, 2021

Experiment - morphing object

This project is about connecting locations through a physical, network - like object. Given different locations with proximity sensors and webcameras the object will deform when people approach it. Each location corresponds to a point being pulled. This a take on how we're currently always connected through mobile data / internet. Never at one point in our daily lives are we ever truly disconnected from the world around us. The project takes this idea and visualises it.

The nylon experiment works pretty well. With this one i wrapped polystyrene balls with nylon stocking. This one is pretty close to the original sketch, however unfortunately the motor is not strong enough the pull the fabric that much. Also the backside of the "blob" looks pretty bad, you can see the "pin" on the left side sticking out.

What i like about this one is the ambiguity of it. The black fabric masks a lot of the detail which makes it look like just a black blob. Also at times the silhouette reminds me of heads, like it's morphing between different "faces" / pareidolia. However i wish it was more "floaty", not as rigid as it currently is. This could be solved with more motors and more continuous movement.

The submerged condom experiment did not work that well. I tried three times, with different techniques, but i can't make it work properly.

The first time i tried a double wrapped condom with theaded polystyrene balls inside. The problem with this one was that i didn't secure it on the bottom and the condom was floating on the surface of the tank. The second attempt i tried the same just with threads keeping it in place on the bottom as well. However the effects doesn't work that well. The distortion doesn't work that well also the ink keeps leaking into the tank / while hanging it up. As a result the project has a limited timespan.

The third attempt, i tried to use pieces of tape instead of polystyrene balls as i thought maybe they would "seal" the holes when the thread is kept in place. This is not the case, ink is still leaking.

The silicon experiment worked ok. It's super flexible however the motor is still not strong enough to pull it properly. Also the silicon ended up being way too thick. The test run i did just on the side as i had way too much leftover turned out better than the one in the mold. Material looks very nice however.

I could have put way more tension on the material to make it more three dimensional. Right now its more relaxed / "wavey".

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