
Friday, November 12, 2021

Idea proposals

So far I've mostly thought about connecting different locations together in a very "object" oriented way. I think i should do a few experiments that are more tied to connecting people across locations.

Optical Flow / difference keying. With an empty location as input data, then use movement / difference from the original input image to create distortion. People act as energy, distorting the texture around the room. E.g. like paddling in water. People as a brush.

Room size theremin?

Translating presence. With an unwrapped building / room people can lean into each room / building to experience a distant location. I think this would be more sensory data such as smells or sounds. Alternatively maybe the opposite could be done where actions in the original location is translated onto the unwrapped location. Maybe like lights?

Space within space. Projection mapping on model to reveal a bigger space contained within a smaller one. I was thinking this could be done via. either a laser pointer and a webcamera where you track the red dot in real time with a mask layered on top to reveal another space behind. Or it could be done via gyroscope data where your phone acts as a pointer. This would be less accurate but it would make it easier for people to interact with the model.

Volumetric / 3D map. Crosssections of space. Presence translated into Z - depth like the short movie Hedgehod in the fog. Layer 4 - 5 transparent lcd screens then use peoples position to place them on each screen. Another way would be to have one transparent screen and use a beam splitter to mirror the screen. However with this way there wouldn't be any delay between the screens. I was thinking if it would be possible to somehow incorporate the technique from NFT class for the thesis project. To keep it completely digital i could try to see how well it would translate currently. For an experiment maybe it would be best to do only one "slice".

Window into another location. Use screen with accelerometer to explore a distant location. I think with this, the window would either look directly into another space, so when you tilt the screen the space stays upright (like when you turn your head) or it would affect the space within, when you tilt the screen, objects will follow. This could be completely digital, or it could be a physical installation.

Wifi sniffing. Monitoring all the traffic on an unsercured wifi network. Either show each user connected or the most frequented websites. Visualize or compare this traffic to other locations. Each blob can represent a website visited. For each unique IP adress that is visited the blob grows bigger. Digital version of the previous experiment. I am not sure how legal this is however.

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